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Oleg Babaev Square

A favorite vacation spot of Kremenchuk residents. Incredibly green and beautiful square.

During the day, happy children run here, enjoying the bright day, and in the evening they, together with their parents, stay to watch a bright light and music show of the most famous fountain in the city.

The square underwent many reconstructions to look like this.

A sculpture of a liberator and memorial plaques with the names of thirty-seven residents of Kremenchuk - heroes of the Soviet Union - were installed in the square in the 1950s, next - a bust of Vernadsky.

In 2014, it was renamed in honor of the man, who put his soul into the city and contributed to the greatest development of the park - Oleg Meidanovich Babayev - the mayor of the city, who died the same year.Today it is Oleg Babayev Square.

There is a monument to the liberator, the Alley of Heroes of the Soviet Union, a monument to Vernadsky, a monument to Oleg Babayev, a memorial to the victims of Stalinist repressions of 1933-1937, as well as the Pride of Kremenchuk - a light and music fountain.

In winter, it is a real holiday of light - thousands of lanterns sing New Year's songs, creating incredible pictures of fairy tales. Moreover, the fountain acquires a New Year's look.

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Poltava region, Soborna street, Kremenchuk

49.067278 | 33.411941