Zaporizhzhia regional museum of local lore
To date, the museum's collection is more than 110,000 museum items, of which more than a hundred are associated with the history of the Cossacks. Today's museum exposition is located in the 22 halls of the departments of nature, archeology and history.
Among them are relics such as kleynods, cold and firearms, ship cannons and anchors, objects of everyday life of the Cossacks, coins, documents of the XVIII century. Archaeological collection in Zaporizhzhia is one of the largest among the regional museums in Ukraine. Of particular interest are the unique memorials of the Bronze Age and Scythian time, the periods of Chernyakhivska culture and the Middle Ages. The collection of the liberation struggle and the peasant movement under the leadership of Nestor Makhno, the construction of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station, the Second World War and the post-war reconstruction of the industrial complex of Zaporizhzhia are also great. Multinational culture of the Zaporizhzhia region from its colonization in the XVIII-XIX centuries. Is represented in the halls «Population of Zaporizhzhia Territory». The halls of the nature department are attracted by numerous exhibits of flora and fauna, steppes, forests and the Azov Sea.
Zaporozhye region, Troitska Street, 29, Zaporizhzhia
47.815115 | 35.179494